Sunday, June 3, 2012

Irish Knitting and Crochet biased blogs - 2012

This site has been sadly neglected but now that the Nominations for the Irish Blog Awards are open it's time to ensure that you know about the active Knitting and Crochet blogs so you can nominate a few.

We do have plans for the site but they're taking us a while to sort out to our satisfaction and keep our jobs going as well.

This will be an ongoing list starting with those knitters who are on Ravelry, if no language is mentioned it's in English, some of these people are people who blog but not necessarily about knitting.  Any blog with a * contains knitting or crochet content on the first page, or in the tags associated with the blog.  If a blog had this I haven't removed it in the latest edit.

If anyone wants themselves removed from this list please inform us and we will take you off.

a year is the last year postings are on the site and the * is posts within the last 4 months, edited 2nd June 2012  so since February 2012)  This has been heavily edited, any blogs that require invites or say that they're available for sale have been eliminated.  Folks who have moved away from Ireland have also been eliminated.  I've done my best to update links as best I can, secondary links, like etsy shops have not always been checked.

Active 2012

2Knit or not 2Knit * who blogs bilingually in Polish & English Etsy Shop here (2012*)

Alves Passos (blog in portugese) (2012*)

An Apology for an Idler * (2012*)

An Snag Breac Beo * (2012*)

Anula's Kitchen (2012*)

Aranbrew * (2012*)

As the World Falls Down (2012*)

Awneekins (2012*)

Backpedalbrakes (2011) Food Blog Also here at Runcible Spoon (2012*)

BeckyDazzler (2012*)

Bola de Berlin * blogs bilingually in Portuguese and English (2012*)

Bundana Begins Dressmaking (2012)

Buzz and Lola (2012*)

Cattapilla Designs * Etsy Shop here (2012*)

C B Lindsay (2012*)

Celtic Knots* (2012*)

Celtic Memory Yarns * (2012*)

Chebe (2012*)

Clarita * blogging in French (2012*)

Clasheen Feltmaker (2012*)

Clones Lace Blog * (2012*)

Colour and Ink* (2012*)

Constant Knitter * (2012*)

Corcra Irish Handmade Accessories* (2012*)

Craft Cottage (2012*)

Craft Lee * (2012*)

Crafts on the Rise * (2012*)

Crafty Alley * (2012)

Cuada Designs (bag business site)

Cycling Gardeners (2012*)

Daiquiris and Denial * (2012*)

Daisychain Crochet * (2012*)

Dancing Threads Studio (gallery site)

Dispatches from the Deise * (2012*)

Doodlemoose (2012*)

Doogarry * (2012*)

DragonDays (2012*)

DroimAnUan * (2012*)

Dublin Knit Collective* (2012*)

Duilleoga (2012*)

Eclectic Stash * (2012*)

Electronic Sheep (commercial knitwear site)

Eliza Jane Pio * (2012*)

Emma Anne * (2012*)

Etsy Ireland (2012*)

Feanor Crafts * (2012*)

Felting my way across Kerry * (2012*)

Fionaviola's Weblog (2012*)

Fionnuala Barrett (2012*)

Fishcraft Etsy Shop

Flailing Penguin (2012*)

Flutterbyes * (2012*)

Fly Along * on Etsy here (2012*)

Fondeli Fair (undated discussion group)

From Sheep to Shawl * (2012*)

Fuzzyballfibrearts * (2012*)

Gaiety Girl Etsy Shop Here (2012*)

Gaskills Etsy Shop

Grace Tierney's Writing (site won't allow easy links, 2012)

GwenTaylor (Graphic Designer promo site)

Half a Dream Away* on Etsy here (2012*)

Handcrafted by LillySmuul * mostly in English but also occasional Estonian (2012*)

HandSpunHeart * (2012*)

Happy Chain Reaction * (2012*)

Haz Wool Will Knit * (2012*)

Hellie Anseo * (2012*)

Hello (2012)

Herborium (2012*)

Hooks Law * (2012*)

Hydrangea Girl

Irish Historical Textiles (2012)

Jewel and Darling* (2012*)

John the Bad (2012*)

Julle's World * (2012*) Blogs bilingually in Spanish & English

Kizuta's Crafts Corner * (2012)

Knit, Inc * (2012*)

Knit/Lab* (2012*)

KnitKnuts Etsy Shop

Knitting Neels * (2012*)

L Hogan * Etsy shop here (2012*)

La Creature and You (2012*)

Laura Eliason * (2012*)

Let's Knit and Stitch * (2012*)

Limerick "Live" in German (2012*)

Little Green Buds (2012*)

Little Hare * (2012*)

Lunamatic * (2012*)

Margie's Crafts * (2012*)

Michelle Made This *Etsy Shop here (2012*)

Mikki Sasha's Dolls

Miss Aine * Etsy shop here (2012*)

Mitt liv på Irland, My life in  Ireland * blogged in Swedish and English (2012*)

Morg Today * (2012)

Ms. Walsh's Weblog * (2012*)

Neen Crochet* (2012*)

NicKnits * (2012*)

One of those Days * (2012*)

Phoenix Rose Blog * (2012*)

Pippablue (2012*)


Playing with Fi(b)re * (2012*)

Rubysasha * (2012*)

Ruth's Little Leprecauns * (2012*)

Sapidum * (2012*)

Scratch Card Junkie (2012*)

Selkie's Crochet* (2012*)
Sewmentalmama (2012*)

She Knit up That Ball * (2012*)

Shinypurpledistraction's Blog * (2012*)

Skuldmakesstuff* (2012*)

Spring Stitches * (2012*)

Starving Artist Ink Etsy Link here (2012*)

StitchLily * (2012*)

Stolen Stitches * (2012*)

String Revolution * (2012*)

TBunny * (2012*)

Tea and Cakes * (2012*)

Tess Dennison Design

The Coffee Break * (2012)

The Nest *Etsy Shop Here (2012*)

The Siegel Family * (2012*)

There where is Soleil * (2012*)

Things that strike me * (2012*)

This is Knit * (2012*)

Thread Bear's Picnic * Etsy Shop here (2012*)

Timothy Dowling* (2012*)

Tricia's Craft Box * (2012*)

Turks Tuck (2012*)

Turtleknits * (2012*)

Under Me Oxter * (2012*)

Unnaturally Red (2012*)

Valentina's Room * (2012*)

Weekend Base * (2012*)

Where People Create (2012*) and also Amg Arts (2012*)

Wire Wrapped Jewelry (2012*)

Woolly Bits - Everything textile * (2012*)

Woolly Gathering * (2012)

Woolly Way * (2012*)

Wyvernfriend Knits * (2012*)

Yarnboi's Blog * (2012*) * (2012*)

Issues when checking

An evening wasted with... * (2011*)

Yarn Classes * (2012*)

Not in 2012

Amazed Knitter's Patterns * (2010)

AndAmpersand (2011)

Ankonymous * (2011)

Bohemian Hooks * on etsy here (posts undated to day, but month dated 2011*)

Brenyes (weaver) (2010)

Carbonfootprintproject Spinner (2011*)

Chronicles of Yarnia * (2010)

Cinnamon Patrol (2010)

Ciorcal Comhra blogging in Irish & English (2011*)

Clickety Knits * (2007)

Conscious Craft * (2010)

Craft Obsession * blogging in Polish Etsy Shop here (2011)

Crafty Beans * (2009)

Crafty Dogs * (2010)

Creative Diary (2011)

Daffodils and Dandelions * (2011)

Dixie Stix * (2011)

Dreaming * (2009)

Dreamknit (2011)

Dublin Mom (2009)

Fell in Love with the Drummer (2011)

FibreSpirit *(2011)

Finding Home *(2011)

Food and Wool * Blogging in French (2011*)

Frilly Knickers and Woolly Socks (2008)

Froggy's Craft * (2011)

From Crook to Hook * (2008)

Gingerpixel Photography (2011)

Handmaiden of Adonai (2011)

Happy Banshee * (2009)

Happy Heart = Happy Soul*(2011)

Havelock the Hunter's Lair * (2010)

Hollytron * (2011)

Humble Pie is 0 Calories eat up! * (2011)

I get up, I walk, I fall down * (2010)
Irish Muses (2011) Blog Closed

Irish Peach (2010)

Irish Twi Sisters Twilight fanfic (2011)

It had better be good (2009)

Just a Minute * (2010*)

Kat B's All things Beautiful * (2011)

Kellie's Knitted Hats (2011)

Knittin' it is * (2010)

Knitting Elizabeth (2011)

Knitwasabi * (2011)

Life, as I know it (2009)

Lilla Chinamengri Killamengri (2010)

Little Millie and Me (2011)

Little Yarns * (2009)

Lizzy Likes Craft * (2011)

Maethebear (2011)

Maisiehandspun Shop on Etsy here (2010)

Malcom's World Tour 2009 * (2010)

Mam Made* (2010)

Margaret Walsh Felts (2011)

Me, Etc. * (2008)

Meandering Tripe (2011)

Mendozy * (2009)

Mind of Mindi * (2009)

Motherland Japan (2009)

Natasha Gavrilovic (2011)

Niamh's Knitting * (2010)

Niniville (2010)

Petticoat Rebellion (2011)

Pie in the Sky Crochet Creation * (2010)

Puppies, pickles and Strawberry Milkshakes * (2008)

Quinn Demolition Inc * (2009)

Rachael's Knits * (2011)

Relodie's Silly Knitz * (2011)

Sabrina Dent (web and other design) (2011)

Sen Nocy Letniej * Blogging in Polish (2010)

SlickFixation (2011)

Springwools * (2011)

Squiggly Giggles * (2011*)

Su2ie Knits * (2009)

Sweeter than ben and jerry (2010)

The 1:29 project (2011)

The Bohomama (2011)

The Knitter's Ball * (2010)

The Mermaid Undine (2011)

The Midnight Knitter * (2010)

This and That * (2011)

This Trampoline Leads to Heaven (2010)

Too Good to be True * (2008)

U Agaty * in Polish (2010)

Up to my lack-of-tonsils (2011)

Very Valerie * (2010)

Wendy's Stuff * (2010)

Where There's a Wool (2011)

Whildchild (on Deviantart) (2009)

Winona Queen Etsy Shop here (2011)

Woolly and Wild Etsy Shop *

Yarncat * (2010)

Zaya's Ratatouille blogging bilingually in French & English (2010)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Crafty blog update 31st July - 14th August

I would like to welcome any new readers, and thank old ones for visiting, we’re not that old and we hope to continue to do this as time allows. If you know of any blogs that should be included please contact us by email or a post on this or the Irish Knitting, Crochet and crafty blogging post. The same goes if you want to be removed. If you are included in our updates please mention if you want to be removed from there too. Please note that neither I or SineadR do this as a full-time job, and allied to that our jobs actually restrict our webtime. We will do our best to get stuff done as soon as possible but that may take a few days or hours. In order to optimise my trawling I have set up a Netvibes Page for the blogs this is not foolproof and I may miss updates but it’s been better than some of the other options.  I have also decided that if a blog posts more than about 10 or so posts in a week I’m just going to link to the site, unless something in particular catches my eye that’s very craft related. You may notice that some posts from Sundays have been repeated, this is if there is time-sensitive information included in them, this does sometimes lead to repeated links from the previous fortnight. An Evening Wasted With goes to a BBQ; July books; has someone make a common comment about knitting; starts week 2 of the couch to 5k program; goes to a family gathering; illustrates part of her earlier post; still has sore feet; goes to the doctor about her feet; does a good deed and gets sandals Aran Brew talks about toucans, hooks and shawls As the World Falls Down tries some new foods; tries to be good; has a long day and has a busy day Becky Dazzler goes to the Horse Show; decides that she's going to wear summer clothes even if the weather won't cooperate; has a wishlist and shows off her cat Chocolatte Buttons shares some waterlillies; shares some flower photographs; has a crochet summer; talks about the kids summer; promises some Gran Canaria pictures; makes Cappuccino Muffins; shares some photographs of when it's not raining; shares some Cowl/Neckwarmer pictures; makes more muffins; shares some favourite jewelry and makes some wool flowers Colour and Ink goes boating; is entranced with a new release; paperplays Christmas in August; makes a Happy Card; has a photograph featured in the Irish Examiner; a new baby girl card; a thanks card and another thanks card Crafty Alley has an activity update and announces a one-day workshop on starting your own craft business Dragon Days has another photograph from Paddington and a bolt Etsy Ireland has a fab five on Friday; a new committee and another fab five on Friday Felting my way across Kerry has been busy Fly Along collaborates with Laura Elliason Froggy's Crafts has an ill laptop From Sheep to Shawl attends the Killarney Summerfest and another photo Haz wool will knit returns; brightens up her home and talks about the ICA bootcamp Julle's World has a baby shower Kersti has a tweet update; talks about one of her pet-hates, talking websites; her tweet week; finishes a knitted project and starts packing; her tweet week and more tweets Knit Inc shows off her new kitchen; shows a gift set she sent off; has a yarn store outing and talks about the HandmAid Craft Day Knitting Neels works on shorts and has to work on miss-matching patterns Limerick Live returns from holiday; is worried about an operation and ends her sons summer holidays Little Hare shares a Richard Scarry accident picture; gets the rosary beads; starts an Assumption Novena; her child interprets the gospel; if she was a playmobil character Milkmoon has play as her wordless Wednesday; has a good day; a moment of tea and goes for a walk Miss Aine enjoys a pattern; makes some nappy wraps; some knit night cupcakes; has a little holiday and makes a funky ski hat Morg Today goes to Deadman's Beach in Renmore; how he sees Galway; shares a new song from Lisa Hannigan; what he is listening to and has a painting day Nibs, Needles and Nappies had a bright spot in her week Needles & Haystacks has a Cornish Holiday Runcible Spoon makes a raspberry and Almond traybake The Siegel Six has multiple updates Things that strike me has a wish for an appealing Presidential candidate; goes to a tea shop in Paris and talks about piano tuning This is Knit announce some classes with Amy Singer; their Yarn Tasting; talks about mirrored decreases; and a froggy blanket Weekendbase gets back her knitting mojo Wooly Way of Ireland talks about craft camp at Winnie's Craft Cafe; layers exhibition in Kilkenny; return of the Irish Crochet Coral Reef; redress Autumn Schedule; Innocent Big Knit; Westport Heritage Day and the costumes of Inis Oirr Wyvernfriendknits offers some wardrobe advice Yarn Classes announces a new class schedule

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome to Irish Knitting & Crochet

Welcome to the Irish Knitting & Crochet website!
This site is designed to showcase Irish Knitting & Crochet and to keep you informed about what is going on in the Irish Knitting & Crochet Community.
Check out the Latest News page for the most up to date posts.
**ADVERTISERS** If you wish to advertise your classes etc on this site, please contact us at knitincATgmailDOTcom to discuss.
Please feel free to contact me at knitincATgmailDOTcom if there is anything you would like added to the site!

Welcome to Irish Knitting & Crochet

Welcome to the Irish Knitting & Crochet website!
This site is designed to showcase Irish Knitting & Crochet and to keep you informed about what is going on in the Irish Knitting & Crochet Community.
Check out the Latest News page for the most up to date posts.
**ADVERTISERS** If you wish to advertise your classes etc on this site, please contact us at knitincATgmailDOTcom to discuss.
Please feel free to contact me at knitincATgmailDOTcom if there is anything you would like added to the site!