Saturday, September 11, 2010

CraftBlog News 5-11th September

So what has bubbled up on the Irish Knit/Crochet/Crafty Blogosphere this week? (Defining loosely week as 5th-11th September)

Well This is Knit had a yarn tasting
Knitting Neels was there
Half a Dream Away did a lot of photographs

GaietyGirl photographs some of her summer projects and went tothe This is Knit Yarn Tasting
Wendy's Stuff spots the Liffey Swim and shows some of her loot from the yarn tasting

Bola de Berlin admitted to a birthday

Mourn along with TBunny while she rips a top but has progress with some Debbie Bliss cowls and will have some patterns finished soon. Test knitters are working away!

Things that Strike me talks about people and assumptions and visitors needing education. Has some good links to online resources (alas without us here but we're only very new) for visitors to Ireland

Carbon Foodprint did some felting and there appears to be sock knitting plans in the offing

Cataphilla doesn't have knitting this week, but does have amazing tomato images and a how to make tomato sauce.

MsWalsh talks about fruit cakes memories

Woollybits does some natural dyeing and picks some supplies for some dyeing

2 Knit or not 2 Knit was listed by a friend on Etsy; finished the Katrina Ballerina Lace Layering Cardigan in a yarn of her own dying )and admits that the colour almost didn't work! Did some Nuno Felting and got some spinning gifts while visiting Scotland

Thread Bear's Picnic explains how to do colour-changes in Crochet

An Apology for an idler has some photographs of her Meandering Vine Shawl

Daffodils & Dandelions and wonders if ripping is going to have to happen and encapsulates the change of weather in a photo

Yarn Classes' Husband composes hyperbolic crochet music and has some news about the crochet project

Kituta's Crochet Corner managed to get some students

String Revolution works on a open collared pullover from Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitters Almanac and cross posts to the Knitting Elizabeth Project

Dispatches from the Deishe has 15 minutes of Irish Times Fame

Stolen Stitches talks about her latest pattern Briseis Pullover and Killarney workshop

Basil Explosion announces blog dormancy due to college; Photographs Cute Houses in London; Plays with and photographs her Gorilla Pod and visits Kew Gardens

From Sheep to Shawl is photographed in Byrnes Bookshop in Galway and her book is in good company in the same shop

Margie Crafts makes a beautiful baby dress

Michele made this found Kirsty's Homemade Home inspiring along with a number of other books. Got Filmed by RTE had some bargain buys from a boot sale

The Nest gives a recipe for Fairy Cakes makes some felt ducks discusses the progress of her kitchen

Knit Inc thinks some things are ho hum and talks ever increasing circles partially cross-posted to Knitting Elizabeth

ARGH! Lets Knit and Stitch start into some Christmas Knitting show off a jumper made by one of their teachers

The Woolly Way announces some Classes and workshops

Humble Pie wonders where she'll find time for everything

and I admit to neglecting my knitting for this blog


  1. Hi.

    I know. I should have included you in that post about preconceptions and looking for knitting in Ireland. I've added the link now in case I get some google-audience for it.

  2. Thanks for the addition, I wasn't complaining really, we're kinda invisible at this stage but over time I hope we'll get more visible.
    I also was kinda doing this run down of blog posts because I've noticed that a lot of that a lot of the knitting blogs are kinda moribund

  3. Yeah, you kind of went live while I was still composing it I think. It was one of those entries that was under construction a while...

    Anyway well wear with the site - it looks quite snazzy information wise.

  4. Thanks for the praise, it's actually the fault of the post you cited that we set this up, it was our last straw for myself and a few others on Twitter and SineadR aka KnitInc and myself decided to do something about it rather than keep flailing, or reacting to the posters themselves.

    The blogger listing happened because I saw the recent Irish Web Awards listing and there were no nominated knitting blogs and someone said that there weren't a lot of Irish Craft blogs and I decided to investigate the people on Ravelry who were blogging and the list was born. I hope to add to it over time.
