Sunday, October 10, 2010

Craft blog update 3rd-9th October

Akka Designs has some interesting photographs of Barcelona, Weekend Walk 2; Weekend Walk 3; Weekend Walk 4

An Evening Wasted with finishes socks and bakes, cooks and parties; Lists her September reading; Misses sock knitting

Ankonymous customises a macbook

Aranbrew talks about knitted comfort

Basil Explosion links to the Happiness Project; posts some amazing food she's found this week; talks prototypes and presents; has some photographs of Marlay Park and celebrates John Lennon's Birthday

BeckyDazzler has some photographs that while summer are slightly wintry

Bola de Berlin photographs a knitted beehive hat

Carbonfootprintproject talks sock kits and graphs to think about

Cattaphilla has a little rant about early Christmas and sadly says goodbye to her Welsh Collie

Chebe talks about bash string variable mangling and new lillypad components

Chicwithstix talks about social knitworking and has some interesting points

Clasheen talks about a San Francisco workshop and shows some results

Daffodils and Dandelions tries to encourage herself to ignore the beauties of autumn to do needed paperwork

Dispatches from the Deise has alternator trouble on the trip back from Dublin

Dragondays has some Donegal Anchor pictures

DroimAnUan rounds up her September and start of October with a long post

Duilleoga has some adventures in Wool and wishes that things weren't all doom and gloom

Etsy Ireland has their Crafty News Desk; a new Derry Market; shows some team treasuries; has some amusing suggestions for crafty activities for politicians; changes it's Dublin Meeting venue; has a floral fab friday and has tea and chat with Rachel from Balanced

From Sheep To Shawl has an upcycled foxford blanket front and back needle felted and made into a coat

Half a Dream Away has a montage of photographs from a new craft shop in Glasgow; a sweet penguin photo; and has a lovely green hill photo (your editor does admit to a bias towards her photographs)

Irish Muses announces her Miniatures in Minutes winner; talks about a new giveaway ; wins an earlier competition from the same site; is still happy the next day and talks about another competition

Kizuta visits the Aran Islands on a holiday

Knit Inc (who also works with this blog) finishes another cloth and a sock

Knitting Neels looks like her current project is nearly finished and swatches

Limerick Live is looking forward to a holiday in Bremen (in German, google translate is my friend)

Little Hare enjoys the small things

Miss Aine has a preview of new patterns

Morg prepares for an exhibition

Neen teaches some crochet and makes some hats and talks about breast cancer

Pippablue talks about new Amy Butler Laminated cotton

Playing with Fi(b)re shows off some hats

Selkie's Crochet has a delivery from Springwools and new fingerless gloves and talks about the effect being featured on a treasury can have on Etsy sales

She Knit up that Blog moves her blog to here has a grand opening post; has a grey baby jacket and a multi-coloured cuff-to-cuff jacket; her announcement of the move is here with some housekeeping details from the old blog

Slickfixation admires some Azzaro Spring designs

Springwools talks Breast Cancer patterns and a I'm hot for Vampires Scarf kit

Starving Artists Ink talks about autumn and life and the simple things

Stitchlily talks about a Film Job

String Revolution talks about what she does.

The Bohomama is busy

The Nest works on the studio; and harvests a last rose

Things that strike me talks political reform; is not impressed with the 10:10 environmental campaign; Saw Jean Michel Jarre at the O2 (about which I'm jealous! ed.) has an unpleasant experience clothes shopping and visits past cosmetics and perfumes finding both good and bad there

Thread Bear's Picnic celebrates her yarn-plosion; searches for a lost project and designs a new crochet sock

Valentina's Room shows some Collages of some stuff she's done

Wendy's Stuff has to add a captha (we seem to be creating some traffic for people! Sorry that it's causing problems but glad that the project is working! ed.) and reworks the end of a cloche

Amg-Arts has a video of a guest book

Woolly Bits has some fo's, some spinning, some harvesting; plays with textiles and talks about mixed colours and designing placemats

The Woolly Way of Ireland talks about the Golden Fleece Award; Delightful Digital Cushions; a Workshop with Carol Feller that was on yesterday; A Batik workshop with the National Print Museum; Reflections of an Indian Journey talk; Needle Felting for beginners course in Kerry and a Vintage Fashion and Decor Fair in Dun Laoghaire

Yarn Classes has new classes starting next week

Because the next update will be on the 16th

Stolen Stitches has a competition for the last pattern to go into her new booklet

As always we are always willing to remove people from the list or add anyone else you think should be here!

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